If that is 6.333¢ then it is 6¢
If that is $6.333 then is it $6.33
For any other currency unit, it will depend upon the exchange rate which will require you telling us the unit of the source currency (the date of the conversion will be taken as when the question is answered).
1.239 rounded to the nearest cent is 1 cent.
46.0052 rounded to the nearest cent is 46.01
76.23 rounded to the nearest cent is 76.23
4.85 is already rounded to the nearest cent.
2.49 is already rounded to the nearest cent.
1.239 rounded to the nearest cent is 1 cent.
298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.
132.1353 rounded to the nearest cent is 132.14
.0306 rounded to the nearest cent is .03.
$0.1625 rounded to the nearest cent is $0.16.
0.2154 rounded to the nearest cent = 0.2
46.0052 rounded to the nearest cent is 46.01
76.23 rounded to the nearest cent is 76.23
4.85 is already rounded to the nearest cent.
7.69647696 rounded to the nearest cent is 7.70
2.49 is already rounded to the nearest cent.
2.66 is rounded to the nearest cent.