$65.16 rounded to the nearest dollar = $65 65.16 cents rounded to the nearest dollar = $1
$1002 is $1002 when rounded to the nearest dollar. 1002 cents is $10 if rounded to the nearest dollar.
$168.72 rounded to the nearest dollar is $169.
177008.69 rounded to the nearest dollar is $177009.
rounded up to the nearest dollar $2.47
$65.16 rounded to the nearest dollar = $65 65.16 cents rounded to the nearest dollar = $1
$1002 is $1002 when rounded to the nearest dollar. 1002 cents is $10 if rounded to the nearest dollar.
86.24 cent, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 1 dollar.
$682.00 is already rounded to the nearest dollar.
$168.72 rounded to the nearest dollar is $169.
177008.69 rounded to the nearest dollar is $177009.
$16,693.00 rounded to the nearest dollar is $16,693.00.
rounded up to the nearest dollar $2.47
$51.99 rounded to the nearest dollar is $52.00
'6.00' does NOT have any currency symbol . So how can it be rounded to the nearest dollar. If you mean $6.00, then the nearest dollar is $6.
686.98 rounded to the nearest whole number is 687. When rounding a decimal number to the nearest whole number, you look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point. If that digit is 5 or greater, you round the whole number up by 1. In this case, the digit to the right of the decimal point is 9, so we round 686.98 up to 687.
1165 dollars is already rounded to the nearest dollar.