It is 6.95 as a decimal fraction of 695/100 as a rational fraction. You can simplify the latter if you wish.
Written as a fraction is 695/1000 or 0.695
0.695 = 695/1000 which can be simplified to 139/200
4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.
Improper fraction is greater than a proper fraction.
It is 6.95 as a decimal fraction of 695/100 as a rational fraction. You can simplify the latter if you wish.
Written as a fraction is 695/1000 or 0.695
0.695 = 695/1000 which can be simplified to 139/200
4.27 as an improper fraction is 427/100
4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.
Improper fraction is greater than a proper fraction.
It remains an improper fraction.
There is no equivalent improper fraction.
There is no equivalent improper fraction.
There is no equivalent improper fraction.
There is no equivalent improper fraction.
Improper Fraction.