25% of 7 = 1.7525% of 7 hundred thousand dollars = 1.75 hundred thousand dollars = $175,000.00
15 thousand dollars
200 thousand dollars
Seventy-five thousand dollars.
Errrr - Five thousand three hundred dollars !
Two percent out of one hundred thousand dollars is two thousand dollars.
One hundred thousand dollars.
25% of 7 = 1.7525% of 7 hundred thousand dollars = 1.75 hundred thousand dollars = $175,000.00
The answer is Two hundred and ten thousand dollars.
15 thousand dollars
200 thousand dollars
Sixty-six thousand dollars: $66,000.00
fifteen thousand dollars
600 dollars.
Six percent of two hundred ninety thousand dollars on the purchase of a home is $17,760.00
Seventy-five thousand dollars.
Errrr - Five thousand three hundred dollars !