6 hundred and 24 ones
To calculate the total value of 4 hundreds, 21 tens, and 14 ones, we need to convert each place value to its numerical equivalent. 4 hundreds is equal to 400, 21 tens is equal to 210, and 14 ones is equal to 14. Adding these together, 400 + 210 + 14 equals 624. Therefore, the total value of 4 hundreds, 21 tens, and 14 ones is 624.
When rounding 624 to the nearest hundred, you look at the digit in the tens place, which is 2. Since 2 is less than 5, you round down. Therefore, 624 rounded to the nearest hundred is 600.
The answer is 620
624 = 624/1
To subtract 316 from 624, you need to regroup twice. Start by subtracting 6 from 4 in the ones place, which requires regrouping from the tens place. Then, subtract 1 from 2 in the tens place, which also requires regrouping from the hundreds place. Finally, subtract 3 from 5 in the hundreds place to get the final result of 308.
624-379 = 245
624 and divide28 = 22.285714285714285
Yes, because 624/4 = 156 and 624/8 = 78
It is a factor of 624.