The two denominators (9 and 7) have no common factors besides 1, so the least common denominator is their product, 63. So we have 4/9 is 28/63, and 5/7 is 45/63. The numerators add up to 68, so we get 68/63, which is 1 5/63, which is already in lowest terms.
5/7 + 9 = 5/7 + 63/7 = 68/7
6 plus 6 plus 63 plus 63 plus 36 plus 36 is equal to 210.
50 + 63 + 72 + 63 + 137 + 172 = 557
145 plus 68 is equal to 213.
68 over 63
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 63 and 68 is 4,284.
The two denominators (9 and 7) have no common factors besides 1, so the least common denominator is their product, 63. So we have 4/9 is 28/63, and 5/7 is 45/63. The numerators add up to 68, so we get 68/63, which is 1 5/63, which is already in lowest terms.
5/7 + 9 = 5/7 + 63/7 = 68/7
7x + 5 = 68 subtract 5 from both sides 7x = 63 divide both sides by 7 x = 9
6 plus 6 plus 63 plus 63 plus 36 plus 36 is equal to 210.
50 + 63 + 72 + 63 + 137 + 172 = 557
145 plus 68 is equal to 213.
60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70
8.00 plus 7.40 plus 68 is equal to 83.4.