21 divide into 6450 = 0.0032558139534883722
21.500 times 3 percent = 0.645
6450 meters = 21,161.4 feet
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, 6450 feet is equal to 6450/5280 = 1.221590 recurring (that is, 1.2215909090..) miles.
a millilitre is the same as centimetres cubed so 6450 :)
The answer is 0.9.
1 percent of 12000 is 12000/100 = 120 3 percent is 3 times 120 = 360.
All My Children - 1970 1-6450 was released on: USA: 1994
(66%) * 3 = 1.98
3% times 130 = 3.9