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Q: What is 64x64?
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First, go into the edit town mode. Go to the top of the list and create the lot of 64X64 and there you have it.

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In the head of your page, you will have the link to your favicon. This file can be named anything.ico. The size will either be 16x16, 32x32, or 64x64 pixels.

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just play around. The triggers are already set up for you, so u basically only have to work w/ terrain and balancing. Try to make it asymetrical. (Even) Start by determaning the number of players, say 4. Then find a nice sized map. (Dont use a 256x256 for 4 players, likewise, dont use a 64x64 map for 12 players) To make it nice and even, just cut it into fourths with a river, mountain, or whateverthehell. Then give each player a gold mine. (Important. No gold=no game) then in the center of the map put another gold mine, for the players to fight over. Then add nice looking things (doodads, terrain, ect) in each sector of the map. (Make it balanced. Dont give 1 player no room to build.) Add some neutral creeps, then place the start locations by the gold mines. [url=]16 Free WOW guides![/url]

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How do you convert cars from one game to NFS Most Wanted?

Let's startThings you need:1. NFS Shift or NFS Shift Demo2. ZModeler 1.07b3. ZModeler 2.x.x with NFS Shift import filter.4. Any image editing program that has .DDS filter. is the best because it is fast and free, but this new version has a lot of bugs. If you don't have older version, use other program.6. Bytesss's Advanced control trainer.5. Of course, Arushan's mod tools.1st step: ImportingYou can learn how to correctly import a shift geometry file here: step: Preparing the meshIn this tutorial I will convert Mazda RX-7. Once you imported the mesh, press right click on RX7. Then linking/unlink children. Then delete RX7 because it doesn't contain files you need.Delete next parts with all of its subfiles because you don't need them:a_rx7_tire_lra_rx7_tire_lfa_rx7_tire_rra_rx7_kit00_lightglows_ra_rx7_kit00_lightglows_fa_rx7_wheel_lfa_rx7_wheel_lra_rx7_wheel_rra_rx7_caliper_lfa_rx7_disc_lfa_rx7_disc_lra_rx7_caliper_lra_rx7_kit02_lightglows_fa_rx7_kit08_lightglows_rFirst thing on my list is called "a_rx7_kit00_interior". Click +, then + on "a_rx7_kit00_interior_loda". Finally you will see file called "a_rx7_kit00_interior_loda" that doesn't have any subfiles. Right click on it and then go to linking/unlink. Next delete "a_rx7_kit00_interior" with all of its subfiles because you don't need it anymore. Then unselect "a_rx7_kit00_interior_loda" to prevent messing things up (You can easily make errors when attaching parts later, so I recommend you to unselect it.) Then do the same thing with all of the rest parts.Now you have to reduce number of parts. Some parts might be necessary for multiple bigger parts, so you dont want to attach them too early.1. Merge all bumpers that are in the same kit (example: attach a_rx7_kit03_bumper_r_loda toa_rx7_kit03_bumper_f_loda)2. Attach "a_rx7_tire_rf_loda" to "a_rx7_wheel_rf_loda" and rename it to kit00_front_tire_a.3. Attach "a_rx7_caliper_rr_loda" to "a_rx7_disc_rr_loda" and rename it to kit00_rear_brake_a. Do the same thing with "a_rx7_caliper_rf_loda" and "a_rx7_disc_rr_loda" and rename it to kit00_front_brake_a.4. Attach left side mirror to right side mirror and rename it to base_a. Base_a is a necessary part that is going to show on all bodykits.Now lets work on bodykits.Hide all parts except "a_rx7_kit00_lights_loda". Go to Create/copy. Then rename the copy to kit00_body_a. We need to copy it becase we need it for few bodykits. Copy "a_rx7_kit00_interior_loda" and attach it to kit00_body_a. (Modify/Attach) Then do the same thing for next parts (later we will delete unnecessary backup files):a_rx7_kit00_chassis_lodaa_rx7_kit00_boot_lodaa_rx7_kit00_steeringwheel_lodaa_rx7_kit00_bonnet_lodaa_rx7_kit00_engine_lodaa_rx7_kit00_body_lodaa_rx7_kit00_bumper_f_loda (actually this part is attached front and rear bumpers)Now you have stock bodykit:This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x640.Now we are making kit01_body_a.We will use parts that include "kit03". Don't get confused with "a_rx7_kit02_lights_loda". We will use it in one of the next kits.Parts we use:a_rx7_kit03_steeringwheel_lodaa_rx7_kit03_chassis_lodaa_rx7_kit03_interior_lodaa_rx7_kit03_upgrades_lodaa_rx7_kit03_bumper_f_loda (bumpers with skirts)Backup these files too because you might need tehm in next bodykit(s). After you backuped them, attach them to each other. Then rename it to kit01_body_a. Now, as you can see, we don't have all parts of this bodykit. That means we have to use parts from pervious bodykit. Make copies of this files and attach them to kit01_body_a:a_rx7_kit00_lights_lodaa_rx7_kit00_boot_lodaa_rx7_kit00_bonnet_lodaa_rx7_kit00_engine_lodaa_rx7_kit00_body_loda.If you did everything right, you will get this:This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x640.Next bodykits won't have parts that are worse than parts in kit1. So now you can delete next backuped files:a_rx7_kit00_steeringwheel_lodaa_rx7_kit00_interior_loda.Next is bodykit 2.Since there is no parts with kit04, in its name, we will use parts that include kit05. The only part that includes kit05 is a_rx7_kit05_boot_loda, so rename it to kit02_body_a.Again, we need parts from previous bodykit(s). Use parts you used on previous bodykit, except a_rx7_kit00_boot_loda. Of course, make their backups and backup a_rx7_kit05_boot_loda. Now you can delete a_rx7_kit00_boot_loda. And you can delete a_rx7_kit00_chassis_loda and a_rx7_kit00_bumper_f_loda. We don't need them anymore. Once you attached all of that parts, you have kit02_body_a finished.Parts for next bodykit include kit06. So we will use this parts:a_rx7_kit06_bumper_r_loda (bumpers and skirts)a_rx7_kit06_bonnet_lodaa_rx7_kit06_chassis_lodaa_rx7_kit06_upgrades_lodaa_rx7_kit06_interior_lodaBackup and attach them to each other. Rename the final part to kit03_body_a.Now we must add parts from previous bodykit. As you can see, a_rx7_kit00_lights_loda doesn't fit with configuration of current WIP kit. So we can delete it and from now we will use a_rx7_kit02_lights_loda. Also, delete a_rx7_kit00_bonnet_loda because we don't need it anymore. Sorry, I forgot to delete these parts:a_rx7_kit03_chassis_lodaa_rx7_kit03_interior_lodaa_rx7_kit03_upgrades_lodaa_rx7_kit03_bumper_f_lodaNow backup and attach these parts to kit03_body_a:a_rx7_kit00_body_lodaa_rx7_kit00_engine_lodaa_rx7_kit03_steeringwheel_lodaa_rx7_kit02_lights_lodaa_rx7_kit05_boot_lodaNext bodykit has parts that include kit08. Backup and attach following parts:a_rx7_kit08_bonnet_lodaa_rx7_kit08_body_lodaa_rx7_kit08_chassis_lodaa_rx7_kit08_bumper_f_loda (both bumpers)Rename the whole part to kit04_body_a.Now backup and attach these parts from previous bodykits:a_rx7_kit00_engine_lodaa_rx7_kit03_steeringwheel_lodaa_rx7_kit02_lights_lodaa_rx7_kit05_boot_lodaa_rx7_kit06_upgrades_lodaa_rx7_kit06_interior_lodaNow you can delete next parts:a_rx7_kit00_body_lodaa_rx7_kit06_bumper_r_lodaa_rx7_kit06_bonnet_lodaa_rx7_kit06_chassis_lodaFor next bodykit we will use next parts:a_rx7_kit10_bumper_r_loda (bumpers)a_rx7_kit10_chassis_lodaa_rx7_kit10_steeringwheel_lodaa_rx7_kit10_upgrades_lodaa_rx7_kit10_interior_lodaa_rx7_kit10_boot_lodaa_rx7_kit10_body_lodaa_rx7_kit10_bonnet_lodaAttach them to each other and rename them to kit05_body_a. You don't have to backup them because this is the last bodykit. Then attach a_rx7_kit02_lights_loda and a_rx7_kit00_engine_loda to kit05_body_a. Delete every unnecessary part.Now you must rotate your car for 180 degrees. Switch any window to top view. Show all parts. Then Select/All. Turn on Selected mode. Then go to modify/rotate.Next you must low your car because it is too high. Switch to left or right and them low it a lil bit. BEWARE! Disable X. You must move it only in Y direction. After you finish that go to select/none and turn of selected mode.Now switch to top view. You must place brakes and wheel exactly in the middle. Look at the red cude in the middle. That's the center. Place them to look like this:This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x640.This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x640.Now you're done with preparing beta mesh.3rd step: Preparing texturesOpen your .z3d.Go to textures browser. It is located near materials editor under "Help".You will see a bunch of textures, but we don't need all of them. First texture we need is:tread_michelin_street1_diffuse_00Select it and click save. Save it anywhere and name it as "TREAD" (You must use Caps Lock). Later we will move all textures to required folder. Now do the same thing with following textures:mazda_rx7_wheel_diffuse_00 and name it as TIREmazda_rx7_misc_diffuse and name it as MISCmazda_rx7_lights_glow and name it as KIT00_BRAKELIGHT_ONmazda_rx7_lights_diffuse and name it as KIT00_BRAKELIGHT_OFFmazda_rx7_interior_diffuse and name it as INTERIORmazda_rx7_engine and name it as ENGINEmazda_rx7_badging_diffuse and name it as BADGINGgeneric_steeringwheel_momo_mod88_loda_diffuse and name it as TIRE_Ngeneric_steeringwheel_momo_mod80_loda_diffuse and name it as BADGING_Ngeneric_cockpit_upgrades01_loda_diffuse and name it as INTERIOR_Ncommon_grille02_diffuse and name it as LOGOcommon_disk01_diffuse and name it as RIMcommon_chassis_diffuse and name it as MISC_NThat's all with textures we need. Later we will add driver texture.Now you need photoshop or any other image editing/converting software that has .DDS plug-in. You need to compress this .DDS textures:TREAD as DXT1TIRE as DXT1MISC as DXT1KIT00_BRAKELIGHT_ON as DXT1KIT00_BRAKELIGHT_OFF as DXT1 (if you have headlight or brakelight glasses save them as DXT3)ENGINE as DXT1BADGING as DXT3TIRE_N as DXT1BADGING_N as DXT1INTERIOR_N as DXT1LOGO as DXT3TIRE as DXT1MISC_N as DXT14th step: Putting the car in mod toolsCreate a new folder and name it mazda or however you want. Then put .z3d and textures in it. After that copy mod tools to your folder. Now go to folder/nfsmw mod tools/zmodeler/mwrawfilter.zmf Copy that file to Zmodeler1 directory/filters.Next go to nfsmw-modtools\ferrari360\output\CARS_REPLACE\SL65. Delete all files inside except CAR.ini. Open CAR.ini with notepad and do this:[car]name=Mazda RX-7manufacturer=MAZDAinternal=rx7