652 = 4225, There are no whole numbers between only one number.
It is: 652.00 but to the nearest hundred it is 700
The answer depends on the extent to which the answer is to be rounded.
The Roman numeral DCLII corresponds to the number 652 in decimal notation.
Rounded to the nearest hundred, 652 is approximately equal to 700.
652 = 4225, There are no whole numbers between only one number.
It is: 652.00 but to the nearest hundred it is 700
650 because 4 or will get you to the start the number. 5 or more will get you to like: 19 to 20
The answer depends on the extent to which the answer is to be rounded.
The two numbers, in their hundreds, on either side of 652 are:600 - which is 652 - 600 = 52 away, and700 - which is 700 - 652 = 48 away.Of these two, the nearer is 700.
Any positive number has two square roots, one positive and one negative. In this instance, rounded to two decimal places, sqrt(652) = ±25.53. (That is, 25.53 and -25.53).
Well, honey, let's keep it simple for you. 652, huh? Alright, to round that bad boy to the nearest ten, you just look at the digit in the tens place. If it's 5 or greater, you round up; if it's less than 5, you round down. So, 652 rounds up to 650. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!