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Q: What is 65 percent percent of 3000 kcal diet for carbohydrate in grams?
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How many grams of carbohydrate are in a diet?

It depends on what type of diet you eat.

How much sugar should a person eat on a low carb diet?

You are supposed to have some 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates in low carbohydrate diet. You have to include sugar in carbohydrates. So you can take some ten to twenty grams of sugar in low carbohydrate diet.

Which type of carbohydrate is limited to 10 percent of the total kilocalories?

Glycogen- stores are optimized by consuming a high carbohydrate diet.

If a person typically consumes a 2500 calorie diet and assuming the person is striving to consume 55 of her calories from carbohydrates how many grams of carbohydrtes should her diet contain?

55% of calories from carbohydrate coming from a 2500 calorie diet equates to 344 grams carbohydrate per day. See calculation below: 2500 calories * .55 = 1375 calories 1375 calories / 4 calories per gram carbohydrate = 344 grams carbohydrate per day

If a diet provides a total of 2200 kilo-calories of which 40 percent of the energy is from fat and 20 percent from protein how many grams of carbohydrate are contained in the diet?

800X.50= 400kcals of carbs, 800X.20= 160kcals of protein, 800-560=240kcals of fat fat has 9kcals per gram, so 240/9= around 27 grams of fat

What is the recommended daily percent of fat in the average diet?

It is 65 grams / 20% of total calorie. Fat should come from omega3 or omega 6 and from protein ,not from sugar or carbohydrate. No trans fat or saturated fat.

How many carbohydrates are low carbohydrates?

30 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day is considered as low carbohydrate diet.

How many grams of nitrogen are contained in a 2500-kcalorie diet that provides 15 percent of the energy as protein?

15 grams of Nitrogen are contained in a 2500 kcalorie diet that provides 15 percent of the energy as a protein.

How much is 19 grams of carbs?

It depends whether you mean a lot of carbs for a snack, a meal, a normal diet, a diabetic diet, a low carbohydrate diet, or for a day. For a low carbohydrate diet (if that is what you mean), the usual range is 20 to 50 grams total daily. Some people on a low carbohydrate diet might go up to 70 grams daily and others might drop down to 15 or 10 grams daily. It is best to test it out and see what works best for you as an individual.Unlike protein and fats, there is no minimum daily requirement of carbohydrate in order to flourish physically but they do have many beneficial phytochemicals and fiber so eating some is fine as long as they are not refined (processed) carbohydrates. For weight loss, the best carbs are from natural sources such as (preferably organic) fresh non-starchy vegetables and fresh low carb fruits such as berries.

Can you eat a banana on low carb diet?

Depends on your target carbohydrate consumption for the day. One medium banana has a little under 30 grams of carbs, and low carbohydrate diets range from no carbs (ketogenic in nature) to 150 grams a day. If you're doing a ketogenic diet or Atkins diet induction phase most/all fruit are out of the question.

What is meant by low carbohydrate diet?

A low carbohydrate diet is a diet that lacks a lot of carbohydrate rich foods, such as food that contains wheat, potatoes, and other starchy foods. These diets also lack a lot of sugar, seeing as sugar is a carbohydrate.

How many carb for a bannna?

Bananas are made up of almost all water and carbohydrates. Carbohydrate watchers want to know the carbohydrate content of their diet. Here is the carbohydrate content in standard sizes and amounts of bananas: Small (less than 6 inches, 81 grams): 19 grams. Low (101 grams): 23 grams. Medium (118 grams): 27 grams. Hefty (136 grams): 31 grams. Extra large (9 inches or more, 152 grams): 35 grams. Slice (1 cup, 150 grams): 34 grams. Sweet (1 cup, 225 grams): 51 grams. Bananas also include 2 to 4 grams of fiber, depending on their size. You can lose 2 to 4 grams if you are looking for a “net carbohydrate” content (net carbohydrates = total carbohydrates).