23 percent as a fraction is 23/100 and a decimal 0.23.
0.75. And it is a decimal, not a fraction ;)
66 23 cannot be expressed as a decimal as it is a combination of two separate numbers.
First convert it to a decimal number: 66% = .66 Next, make a fraction by placing the decimal number over 1: .66/1 Next. remove the decimal and add as many 0's to the right side of the 1 as there are numbers on the right side of the decimal: 66/100 Next, reduce the fraction: 66/100 = 33/50
0.528 = 66/125
23 percent as a fraction is 23/100 and a decimal 0.23.
0.75. And it is a decimal, not a fraction ;)
66 23 cannot be expressed as a decimal as it is a combination of two separate numbers.
It is: 66 and 2/3% = 2/3 as a fraction and 0.67 as a decimal rounded to two decimal places
First convert it to a decimal number: 66% = .66 Next, make a fraction by placing the decimal number over 1: .66/1 Next. remove the decimal and add as many 0's to the right side of the 1 as there are numbers on the right side of the decimal: 66/100 Next, reduce the fraction: 66/100 = 33/50
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 55/66 is equal to 0.83 recurring (that is, 0.83333...)
If that is 23 repeating then as a fraction it is 23/99
0.528 = 66/125
decimal= 23.0 fraction= 23/1
The decimal .66 repeating is equal to the fraction 2/3.
No because as fraction it is 66/100
6 and 3 over 100.