68%. To find the percent a decimal translates into, you multiply the decimal value by 100 (or move the decimal point over to the right two spaces), and add a percent sign.
17 is what percent of 68:= 17 / 68= 0.25Converting decimal to a percentage:0.25 * 100 = 25%
68 / 0.8 = 85 Therefore, 68 is 80 percent of 85.
0.0125 percent written as a decimal is 0.000125
68% = 68/100 = 17/25 or, as a decimal, 0.68
68%. To find the percent a decimal translates into, you multiply the decimal value by 100 (or move the decimal point over to the right two spaces), and add a percent sign.
.68%, or .68 percent. It means less than one percent; it is 68% of one percent.
17 is what percent of 68:= 17 / 68= 0.25Converting decimal to a percentage:0.25 * 100 = 25%
7.5(repeating decimal)
68 / 0.8 = 85 Therefore, 68 is 80 percent of 85.
You multiply the decimal value by 100: 0.68 x 100 = 68 %
0.0125 percent written as a decimal is 0.000125
56 percent written as a decimal is 0.56
19.5 percent written as a decimal is 0.195