If you divide 4/6 it will = 66.66 which then the percentage is 67% Same for 8/12 = 67% Same 12/18 = 67%
1/6 & 76%
percentage of 12 = 1200% 12 * 100% = 1200%
12 as percentage = 1200%12= 12 * 100%= 1200%
The percentage of 6-12 is 50%.that is because half of 12 is 6.also 12 is a even number and even numbers can be split in half.
To calculate the percentage of 6 wrong out of 50, you would first divide 6 by 50 to get 0.12. Then, multiply 0.12 by 100 to convert it to a percentage, resulting in 12%. Therefore, the percentage of 6 wrong out of 50 is 12%.
It is: 12%
6/50 = 12%
If you divide 4/6 it will = 66.66 which then the percentage is 67% Same for 8/12 = 67% Same 12/18 = 67%
It is actually 91.66(6)%
6 of 50 = 6 / 50 = 0.12Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.12 * 100 = 12%
2 is 12/6. 1+1/6 is 7/6 7/12 (x100) is 58.33%
10/12 is the same as 5/6 and as a percentage it is 83.'3'% recurring '3'
1/6 & 76%