0.66... (recurring).
The fraction two thirds can be written as 2/3, or in decimal form, approximately .6667 (the decimal expansion goes on to infinity, .6666666...).
By burning the "2 and 2 thirds" and replacing it with a decimal.
Negative three and a third, or -3 1/3
Five over three is five thirds (5/3) or one and two thirds (1 2/3) as a decimal, that is 1.666666666666666666666666666666666666...
0.66... (recurring).
8.6666 repeating
The fraction two thirds can be written as 2/3, or in decimal form, approximately .6667 (the decimal expansion goes on to infinity, .6666666...).
By burning the "2 and 2 thirds" and replacing it with a decimal.
2/3 (for a fraction) 0.666667 (for a decimal)
2/3 is equivalent to 4/6 or 0.'6' as a decimal recurring 6
Negative three and a third, or -3 1/3
Five over three is five thirds (5/3) or one and two thirds (1 2/3) as a decimal, that is 1.666666666666666666666666666666666666...
2/3 as an equivalent fraction is 4/6 or as a decimal 0.666 ... Recurring.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 66 2/3% is equal to 0.6 recurring, or 0.6666...
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 2.
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 0.02.