3/20 = 0.06 as a decimal and 6%
The fraction 6/20 can be simplified to 3/10. In decimal form, this is equal to 0.3.
6/20 can be reduced to 3/10 and is equivalent to 0.3 in decimal form.
3 over 6 as a decimal is 0.5.
It is: 6/20 = 0.3
3/20 = 0.06 as a decimal and 6%
The fraction 6/20 can be simplified to 3/10. In decimal form, this is equal to 0.3.
6/20 in its lowest terms is 3/10 and as a decimal it is 0.3To convert a fraction into a decimal, divide the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator): 6/20 = 6 ÷ 20 = .3
6/20 can be reduced to 3/10 and is equivalent to 0.3 in decimal form.
3 over 6 as a decimal is 0.5.
It is: 6/20 = 0.3
Expressed as a decimal, -6 17/20 is equal to -6.85.
It is: 6 and 13/20 = 6.65
6/20 = 0.3
It is: 6 and 3/8 = 6.375 as a decimal