The product is exactly 376 since that is what the prime numbers for 376 are!The product is exactly 376 since that is what the prime numbers for 376 are!The product is exactly 376 since that is what the prime numbers for 376 are!The product is exactly 376 since that is what the prime numbers for 376 are!
There are only two prime numbers that are consecutive numbers, 2 and 3. Their product is 2 x 3 = 6. The first prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, and 7 and the only two consecutive prime numbers whose product is a single digit are 2 and 3. (The next two consecutive prime numbers, 3 and 5, have a two-digit product.)
The two smallest prime numbers are 2 & 3. Their product is thus, 2 x 3 = 6.
A number that is not a prime number is called a composite number because it can be made by multiplying prime numbers together. For example, 6 is a composite number that is the product of multiplying the prime numbers 2 and 3 together.
The prime numbers 2 and 3 have 6 as their product when multiplied.
30 cannot be written as the product of 6 prime numbers. 30 has three prime factors: 2 x 3 x 5 = 30
NO e.g. 2 x 3 = 6 '2' & '3' are Prime numbers, but '6' is a compound number.
No, the product of two prime numbers is unique.
The product is exactly 376 since that is what the prime numbers for 376 are!The product is exactly 376 since that is what the prime numbers for 376 are!The product is exactly 376 since that is what the prime numbers for 376 are!The product is exactly 376 since that is what the prime numbers for 376 are!
The product of two prime numbers will be composite.
There are only two prime numbers that are consecutive numbers, 2 and 3. Their product is 2 x 3 = 6. The first prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, and 7 and the only two consecutive prime numbers whose product is a single digit are 2 and 3. (The next two consecutive prime numbers, 3 and 5, have a two-digit product.)
The two smallest prime numbers are 2 & 3. Their product is thus, 2 x 3 = 6.
prime number-a number that can only be divided by 1 or itself without resulting in a remainder therefore if the product (multiplying) of 2 prime numbers could be divided by either of the prime numbers, 1, and itself. example 2X3=6 6/1=6 6/6=1 6/3=2 6/2=3
A number that is not a prime number is called a composite number because it can be made by multiplying prime numbers together. For example, 6 is a composite number that is the product of multiplying the prime numbers 2 and 3 together.
A number as a product of prime numbers would be "x".