The coordinates 41N and 74W correspond to New York City in the United States.
The coordinates 41N 74W correspond to New York City, which is located in the state of New York, United States.
The city of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania is closest to the coordinates 41N and 74W.
Colombia is located at 4N 74W. It is a country in South America known for its diverse culture, coffee production, and biodiversity.
Bogota, Columbia
Possibly Berlin, but I'm not sure.
If x equals 10 and y equals 10, then 9x plus 8y equals 170.
10 percent of 100 equals 10.
New York City is located at 40.80N and 740W
10 decimeters equals a meter
The coordinates 46N latitude 74W longitude correspond to the city of Montreal, Canada.
10 squared equals 100. 102 = 10*10 10*10 = 100