0.732= 732/1000 = 183/250
183/25 It can't be a proper fraction. Proper fractions are less than one.
One way to write 7.32 is in decimal form, as 7.32. Another way is in fraction form, as 732/100. Both representations convey the same value, with the decimal form showing the number as a whole and decimal parts, while the fraction form shows the number as a ratio of 732 parts out of 100.
0.732= 732/1000 = 183/250
732 + 1 = 733 732 - 1 = 731 732 x 1 = 732 732 ÷ 1 = 732
183/25 It can't be a proper fraction. Proper fractions are less than one.
7.32 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, since it is a decimal fraction, there is not another simpler decimal form. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 732/100 which simplifies to 183/25.
732-328 = 404
8005-732 = 7273
6 X 122 = 732 Therefore the answer is that 732 is a multiple of 6.
732 mL = 732/1000000 kL = 0.000732 kL.
One way to write 7.32 is in decimal form, as 7.32. Another way is in fraction form, as 732/100. Both representations convey the same value, with the decimal form showing the number as a whole and decimal parts, while the fraction form shows the number as a ratio of 732 parts out of 100.
0.5 x 732 = 366