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Q: What is 7.5 percent sales tax of 23.18?
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5 percent sales tax on 1500?


What is the auto sales tax rate in lake county Illinois?

The auto sales tax rate in Lake County, Illinois is 6.25 percent. Their special sales tax is .75 percent which comes to 7 percent total sales tax.

What is the sales tax on 1500 if the sales tax is 5 percent?

1,500 = 100% 150 = 10% 75 = 5% 1,500 + 75 = 1,575

If the sales tax is 5 percent what will the total price for the car if the total is 1500.00?


What is 5 percent in sales tax on 1500.00?

5 percent of 1,500 means ( 0.05 x 1,500 ) = 75 .

What is 5 percent sales tax for 1500.00?

1500/100=15 15 x 5 = 75.

In Ohio who has to pay sales tax accelerated payments?

Accelerated payments are due from anyone in Ohio who collect more than $75,000 in sales tax per calendar year. The payments must be made by EFT, and 75 percent of the anticipated sales tax must be paid in advance.

If sales tax is 5 percent what is the amount of a car that cost 1500?

5 percent means 5 per 100 in 1500 there are 15 "hundreds" so for 1500 it is 5*15=75 total 1500+75=1575

What is 18.75 plus a 4 percent sales tax?

to find out you do 18.75x.04 which equals .75. then you add that to 18.75 which is 19.50. so the final answer is $19.50

Robert brought a car for 1500 dollars the sales tax is 5 percent how much did he pay for the car?

Actually he paid $1500 for the car. However there is also the $75 tax (1500x.05). So total cost including tax is $1575.

Is sales tax calculated on net sales or gross sales?

It depends on exactly what you mean, but generally, sales tax is figured on net sales. For instance, if you buy an item for $100, but you trade an item for it that is worth $25, you only pay sales tax on the difference of $75, not the entire $100.

What would be the sales tax for two video games at a total of 75?

Depends where you live