70 - 79 - septuagenarian80 - 89 - octogenarian100 years old - centenarian
What makes 3 scores and a ten is 70 years.
There are 25,567 or 25,568 days in 70 years of life, depending on there are 17 or 18 leap years during the 70 year period.
70 years equates to 2.20752 × 109 seconds.
What is the percent for married couples to stay married for 70 years?
what percentage of marrages last more than 70 years
A person who reaches the age of 70 is called a "septuagenarian."
Yes she was married to Billy Robinson in the 70's. They were married for many years and had one child, a daughter, Amy. I know this because I am her niece.
70 - 79 - septuagenarian80 - 89 - octogenarian100 years old - centenarian
He got married at age 70.
he married a girl called Elizebeth they were together for seven years
Babyloncaptivity. Named after the 70 years of jewish exile in Babylon in the 6th century
Norman Borlaugh was heterosexual, and he was married to Margaret Gibson for nearly 70 years.
yes he married her when he was 70
yes he was married to Cher in the late 70's. Once he passed out in a plate of spaghetti while dining with her in L.A..