This is standard notation for seventy two.72
352.4 billion in standard notation is: 352,400,000,000
5.2 billion in standard notation is: 5,200,000,000
2,700,000,000. * * * * * 2.7 billion, is standard notation, is 2.7*109
Standard notation = 5,000,000,000
This is standard notation for seventy two.72
5.34 billion in standard notation is 5,340,000,000
38.2 billion in standard notation is 38,200,000,000
352.4 billion in standard notation is: 352,400,000,000
5.2 billion in standard notation is: 5,200,000,000
9.1 billion in standard notation is 9,100,000,000
2,700,000,000. * * * * * 2.7 billion, is standard notation, is 2.7*109
Standard notation = 5,000,000,000
Standard notation is simply the number written out in decimal, so 44.3 billion in standard notation would be 44,300,000,000
41.1 billion in standard notation is written as 41,100,000,000.