Multiply 72 by .15 (decimal form of 15%): 72 x .15 = 10.8
72% is 0.72 as a decimal and as a fraction 18/25 in its simplest form
72% = 0.720.72
72% = 0.72
You divide percent values by 100 (or move the decimal two places to the left) to get the decimal equivalent: 72 / 100 = 0.72
Multiply 72 by .15 (decimal form of 15%): 72 x .15 = 10.8
72% is 0.72 as a decimal and as a fraction 18/25 in its simplest form
72% = 0.720.72
72% = 0.72
72 is what percent of 480:= 72 / 480= 0.15Converting decimal to a percentage:0.15 * 100 = 15%
16 is what percent of 72:= 16 / 72= 0.222222Converting decimal to a percentage:0.222222 * 100 = 22.22%
72% = 18/25 = 0.72
2 Percent in decimal form is 0.02