This decimal can be written as 73/40.
73 is a whole number, not a fraction.
73= 73/1
73% is 0.73 as a decimal, which is 73/100 as a fraction
73% = 73/100
7.30 = 73/10
This decimal can be written as 73/40.
To write 73 as a fraction in simplest form, you can express it as 73/1. To simplify this fraction, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 73 and 1, which is 1. Dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 1 gives you the simplest form of the fraction, which is 73/1 or simply 73.
73 is a whole number, not a fraction.
73% as a fraction is: 73/100
fraction = 3/73
73= 73/1
73% is 0.73 as a decimal, which is 73/100 as a fraction
fraction equivalent of 73 = 146/2
73% = 73/100
73% = 73/100
73% = 73/100