The question does not make any sense. 75 metres is a measure of distance. A metre square (or square metre) is a measure of area. The two measure different things and you cannot convert from one to the other.
Answer: 290 ft² = 26.9418 m²
Answer: 2125 m² = 22,873.309 square feet.
529 sq m = 5694.11 sq feet (to 2 dp)
Answer: 1 m² = 10.7639 ft² so, 15 x 10.7639 = 161.458 ft²
Of these, 0.12 meters is the largest. When everything is converted to decimeters, it would rank as follows:1) 0.12 m (120 dm)2) 75 dm3) 2 dm4) 15cm (1.5 dm)
Answer: 18,000 m² = 193,750.387 ft² (1 m² = 10.7639 ft²).
Answer: 30 m² = 322.917 square feet.
Answer: 290 ft² = 26.9418 m²
12 m x 4 m = 36 m2
Answer: 11,000 m² = 118,403.014 ft²
Answer: 2125 m² = 22,873.309 square feet.
Answer: 20 acres = 80,937.13 m²
Answer: 30 m² = 322.917 ft² OR 322 ft² and 132.0 in²
Answer: 8000 ft² = 743.224 m²
If it's a standard 25 yard pool, then it'll be approximately 16.4042 down and backs, or 50's as they're commonly called.If it's a 25 meter pool then it'll be 15 down and backs exactly.
529 sq m = 5694.11 sq feet (to 2 dp)
Answer: 1 m² = 10.7639 ft² so, 15 x 10.7639 = 161.458 ft²