3/4 written as a percentage is 75%.You must put it in decimal form first, 3/4 as a decimal is .75. After you arrive at the decimal form you must multiply that answer by 100, you come to a solution of 75%.75%75%
9 over 12 = 75%
75 percentage
75 out of 200 in a percentage is 37.5%.
To find the percentage of 75 out of 179, divide 75 by 179, (75/179), which is 0.419.
Expressed as a percentage, 3/4 is equal to 3/4 x 100 = 75 percent.
The percentage of 60 that 45 represents is 75%.
50 out of 75 in a percentage = 66.67% =50/75 * 100% = 0.6667 * 100% = 66.67%