Well honey, 75 rounded to the nearest tens' number is 80. It's not rocket science, just bump that 5 up to a nice, round 10. Voila, you've got yourself an 80.
It is 80 because 5 is greater than 475 to the nearest tens is 80.
It is: 10
74.96 rounded to the nearest whole number = 75
It is 75 when rounded to the nearest whole number
It is 75
33.3*75 = 2497.5 Rounded to the nearest whole, it's 2498.
The tens place is the 5; the one's digit is 0, so no rounding is required. 750 is the value rounded to the nearest ten. 75 tens 75 x 10 = 750.
It is 80 because 5 is greater than 475 to the nearest tens is 80.
It is: 10
74.75 or 75.299 when rounded to the nearest ones or whole number is then 75