Note that the term is the same as 763.0. Then, move 2 decimal places to the left from the starting point, so the exponent for base 10 is 2.
Therefore, 763 in Scientific Notation is 7.63 x 102
763 in Scientific Notation = 7.63 x 102
67500 in scientific notation form is: 6.75 × 104
Do nothing! Standard form and scientific notation are the same.
The scientific notation form for 347.41 is: 3.4741 x 10^2
763 in Scientific Notation = 7.63 x 102
713 in scientific notation form is: 7.13 × 102
67500 in scientific notation form is: 6.75 × 104
Do nothing! Standard form and scientific notation are the same.
The scientific notation form for 347.41 is: 3.4741 x 10^2
You cannot. A number in scientific notation will be in its simplest form.
8,900,000 in standard form 8.9 × 106 in scientific notation
The form for scientific notation is a*10b where 1 <= a < 10, and b is an integer (positive or negative).
104644.4 is standard form and scientific notation is 1.046444 x 105
The general form of scientific notation is a*10b where 1 ≤ a < 10, and b is an integer.