RSH=240000 RLH=70000 DB room=76f rh r=50% bf=10% ts coil=? v=?cfm use gaseous cooler
Kelvins= Celsius + 273.15 240-273.15= Celsius= -33.15C 468-273.15=Celsius= 149.85C
1 - 4 = -3 degrees Celsius.
350 degrees Celsius is exactly 350 degrees Celsius!
48 degrees Celsius
Summer minus 18F. Winter minus 76F
Oh, dude, you're asking me to do math? Like, really? Fine, fine. So, 76 degrees Fahrenheit is around 24.4 degrees Celsius. But seriously, who even uses Fahrenheit anymore? It's like trying to bring back the flip phone.
Type your answer here... PH-7.5 TEM-76f CH-100ppm TA-50ppm 125,000 gallons (imperial)
RSH=240000 RLH=70000 DB room=76f rh r=50% bf=10% ts coil=? v=?cfm use gaseous cooler
Goldfish are best kept at a temperature of at least 74F to 76F. There are times that you might increase the temperature to a tropical fish level for a short term to treat an illness, but you should not have it too warm.
-3 Celsius is warmer than -15 Celsius.
Celsius invented the celsius scale for temperature.
18 Celsius
The difference between 1 degree Celsius and 2 degrees Celsius is 1 degree Celsius.