57/79 is in its simplest form.
56/79=56=2x2x2x779=79No common prime factors56/79 is in simplest form
79 and 1000 are coprime so 79/1000 cannot be simplified further.
You cannot simplify 79/100, as there are no common factors of these two numbers.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 3, 27/237 is equal to 9/79 or nine seventy-ninths.
79/126 is in its simplest form.
57/79 is in its simplest form.
3.16 = 316/100 = 79/25 or 34/25
56/79=56=2x2x2x779=79No common prime factors56/79 is in simplest form
79/100 is the simplest form.
79 and 1000 are coprime so 79/1000 cannot be simplified further.
You cannot simplify 79/100, as there are no common factors of these two numbers.
1479 is an integer and so cannot be simplified.
7/9 is in its simplest form.
7/9 is in its simplest form.