0.77777777777 as a fraction is 7/9.
It is 7/2 which cannot be simplified.
7/10 or seven tenths.
2.7 as an improper fraction is 27/10. It is 2 7/10 as a mixed number.
56.4 converted in to a fraction is 273/5.
0.77777777777 as a fraction is 7/9.
175 percent converted to a fraction in lowest terms is 7/4
7 8/25
It is 7/2 which cannot be simplified.
7/10 or seven tenths.
71/8 or 8 7/8
2.7 as an improper fraction is 27/10. It is 2 7/10 as a mixed number.
0.285714 repeating
6/14 9/21
what is the 0.0625 converted as a fraction