0.3125 is 10/32 as a decimal.
If a fraction is a rational number then if the denominator goes into the numerator or into the numerator multiplied by a power of 10, then you will have a terminating decimal. Otherwise it will be a repeating decimal.
All three of those are terminating decimals.
It is 0.6
A terminating number has a definitive value - A repeating number continues indefinitely. For example - 10 divided by 8 is 0.125 (a terminating number) - 10 divided by 3 is 3.333333 (the decimal repeats indefinitely).
No, it is not.
To sum this answer up you half to turn the fraction into a decimal and if it ends that is terminating but if it keeps going it is called a repeating decimal EXAMPLES Terminating- 5/10=.5 Repeating- 1/3=.3333 (bar notation over the 3)
Yes and it is 3/10 as a fraction
0.3125 is 10/32 as a decimal.
Written as a decimal 7/10 would be .70
109 over 10 written as a decimal is 10.9
If a fraction is a rational number then if the denominator goes into the numerator or into the numerator multiplied by a power of 10, then you will have a terminating decimal. Otherwise it will be a repeating decimal.
All three of those are terminating decimals.
1/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.11/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.11/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.11/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.1