85 divided by 4 is 21.25
85 is not exactly divisible by 4. Dividing 85 by 4 gives 21 with a remainder of 1.
That can't be simplified. 4 and 85 have no common factors.
20 to 85, or 20/85 can be reduced to 4/17, which is the same as 4:17.
85 divided by 4 is 21.25
85 is not exactly divisible by 4. Dividing 85 by 4 gives 21 with a remainder of 1.
4/5 * 85 = 68
That can't be simplified. 4 and 85 have no common factors.
20 to 85, or 20/85 can be reduced to 4/17, which is the same as 4:17.
4 dived by 85
4 over 85 = 4/85
12 - 4 + k = 85 8 + k = 85 k = 77