825% in reduced form is: 8 1/4
The percent form of . 825 is 82.5%.
825 = 82500%
825 = 825.0
Multiply 825 by 100 to convert to percent: 825 × 100 = 82,500%
825/10000 or 33/400
825/1000 Simplest form would be 33/40
825% in reduced form is: 8 1/4
The percent form of . 825 is 82.5%.
825 = 82500%
825 = 825.0
Multiply 825 by 100 to convert to percent: 825 × 100 = 82,500%
82.5% = 82.5/100 Since you can only have a whole number as a numerator, you need to multiply the numerator x 10 because this is the smallest number that will make the numerator a whole number of 825. Since you multiplied the numerator x 10, you also have to multiply the denominator x 10. 82.5/100 x 10/10 = 825/1000 So 82.5% in simplest form is 825/1000.
0.825 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 825/1000. You can simplify this rational fraction if required.
0.825 = 825/1,000 = 33/40Added:Too much work to just lose.0.825Put,.825/1Move decimal places all the way right to whole numbers.825/1000factor out 2525*33/25*4025, as it appears in both numerator and denominator at least once can be eliminated.33/40-----------simplest form