Well, darling, 843 rounded to the nearest thousand is still 1000. It's not rocket science, honey. Just bump up that 843 to the next thousand like it's nobody's business.
843 is divisible by 1, 3, 281, 843.
1, 3, 281, 843
843 2726
This can be rephrased as 7 times x = 843 where'x' is the number to be found. If we divide 843 by 7 we get 120.429 To check: 120.429 x 7 = 843.003 which is just about 843
My phone number cell-843-260-1987 or cell- 843-617-7545.
Dial 001 and then the city code, which is 843 and then the local number. So it would be: 001 843 ...and the rest of the number.