There is no rounding needed as it is in the thousandth place already.
As the digit in the thousandth place is a 6, we round up to give 3.17 as the answer.
0.83942623 rounded to the nearest hundred thousandth is 0.83943.The bold two is the hundred thousandth place.
192.875 The 5 is in the thousandth place and since the following number is a 3 you would not round up.
There is no rounding needed as it is in the thousandth place already.
0.2134 is rounded to .213 in the nearest thousandth. (.2 is the tenths place, .21 is to the hundredths place, .213 is to the thousandth place, and .2134 is to the nearest ten-thousandth place.
As the digit in the thousandth place is a 6, we round up to give 3.17 as the answer.
0.83942623 rounded to the nearest hundred thousandth is 0.83943.The bold two is the hundred thousandth place.
It's already in its thousandth place
192.875 The 5 is in the thousandth place and since the following number is a 3 you would not round up.
Rounding to the nearest thousandth mean to round the number to the third place to the right of the decimal point. For example: 587.397431 is 587.397 rounded to the nearest thousandth.
To round 8685 to the nearest thousandth, we look at the digit in the thousandth place, which is the 8. The digit to the right of the thousandth place is 6, which is greater than or equal to 5. Therefore, we round the 8 up to 9. So, 8685 rounded to the nearest thousandth is 8685.000.
round to the nearest ten thousandth 44.24862486