Well, isn't that a happy little question! To find 800 percent as a decimal, you simply move the decimal point two places to the left, which gives you 8.00. Remember, decimals are just a different way of looking at numbers, like painting a different scene on your canvas.
800% = 80,000
24 is what percent of 800:= 24 / 800= 0.03Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.03 * 100 = 3%
To find 2.5 percent of 800, you can multiply 800 by 0.025 (which is 2.5 percent as a decimal). This calculation results in 20, meaning that 2.5 percent of 800 is 20.
4 is what percent of 800:= 4 / 800= 0.005Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.005 * 100 = 0.5%
800%= 8.0 in decimal
800% = 80,000
24 is what percent of 800:= 24 / 800= 0.03Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.03 * 100 = 3%
To find 2.5 percent of 800, you can multiply 800 by 0.025 (which is 2.5 percent as a decimal). This calculation results in 20, meaning that 2.5 percent of 800 is 20.
4 is what percent of 800:= 4 / 800= 0.005Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.005 * 100 = 0.5%
To convert any decimal to percent, simply multiply the decimal by 100. So, 8.00 × 100 = 800%
Simply move the decimal 2 places to the right and you get 0.80.The decimal equivalent of 80 percent is 0.8.
Divide percents by 100: 800 / 100 = 8 or 8.0
To find 25 percent of 800 dollars, you can multiply 800 by 0.25 (which represents 25 percent as a decimal). This calculation would result in 200 dollars. Therefore, 25 percent of 800 dollars is 200 dollars.
3.00 and 8.00............300% and 800%
0.125 percent = 0.00125 in decimal or 125/100000 or 1/800 in fraction