0.8 is 80% in decimal form.
You convert 80 percent to decimal form then multiply it by 550 and you'll get the answer which is 440.
53.75 percent
Multiply 195 by .8 (decimal form for 80%): 195 x .8 = 156
0.8 is 80% in decimal form.
0.8 is 80% in decimal form.
You convert 80 percent to decimal form then multiply it by 550 and you'll get the answer which is 440.
53.75 percent
80% = 4/5 or 0.8
Multiply 195 by .8 (decimal form for 80%): 195 x .8 = 156
80 = 80/1 = 800/10 = 8000/100 = 8000%80 = 80.080 = 80/1
To convert 80% to a decimal divide by 100: 80% ÷ 100 = 0.8
44 is 55% of 80. To see this we ask 80x =44 where x will be the decimal form of the percent we are looking for. So x =44/80=.55 or 55%
4/5 is .8 in decimal form. Multiply that by 100 to get percentage form: 80%