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It is (1/3)^(-4)

or (1/27)^(-4/3)

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Q: What is 81 as a negative exponent?
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What is 3m to the negative forth power?

It is the same as 1/34 . We move an exponent to the denominator and we change the exponent from positive to negative. Now 34 is 81 so the answer is 1/81 meters.If the exponent in the denominator is negative, we can move it up to the numerator and change it to a positive.

What is the exponent of 81?

3^4 = 81

What exponent gives a value of 81?

92 = 81

Where is the negative exponent key on a calculator?

negative 4 with negative 3 as an exponent

Can a polynomial have a negative exponent?

Polynomials cannot have negative exponent.

What does the term negative exponent mean in math?

the exponent is a negative

What is exponent form of 81?

81 can be written as 8.10 × 101

What are the prime factors of 81 using an exponent?

34 = 81

What are the prime factors of 81 that use an exponent?

34 = 81

What is -9 to the second power?

Whenever you see a negative exponent (the negative 2nd power), take the reciprocal of the answer (put one over it):x-y = 1/xySo:9-2 = 1/92 = 1/81 = 0.01234567901

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What exponent makes -3 equal to 81?

(-3)4 = 81