A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 832, exactly as in the question.
10 percent of 832 = 83.2%10% of 832= 10% *832= 10%/100% *832= 832/10= 83.2
261 is NOT a sum of 832. The sum of 832 is 832 and nothing else.
55.466666666666667x15= about 832 55.466666666 is a nonterminating decimal, so the 6's will go on forever The proper way to write it is with a line over the first two 6's so you do not have to keep writing 6.
There is only one number that equals 832. That number is . . . . . 832.
10 percent of 832 = 83.2%10% of 832= 10% *832= 10%/100% *832= 832/10= 83.2
41650% of 832= 50% * 832= 0.50 * 832= 416
261 is NOT a sum of 832. The sum of 832 is 832 and nothing else.
100% of 832 is also 832.
55.466666666666667x15= about 832 55.466666666 is a nonterminating decimal, so the 6's will go on forever The proper way to write it is with a line over the first two 6's so you do not have to keep writing 6.
There is only one number that equals 832. That number is . . . . . 832.
The sum of 832 and nothing is 832
.75 *832= 624
832 * 1/2 = 416