To convert 83 to a decimal, it remains as 83. To convert 1 and a third to a decimal, we first convert the fraction 1/3 to a decimal by dividing 1 by 3, which equals 0.3333 (repeating). Adding 83 and 1.3333 gives us 84.3333 as the decimal representation of 83 and 1 and a third.
83 1/3 = 83/99
That is the decimal form. 2/25ths is the fraction form. Approximately. 83/1,000ths to be exact.
To convert 83 to a decimal, it remains as 83. To convert 1 and a third to a decimal, we first convert the fraction 1/3 to a decimal by dividing 1 by 3, which equals 0.3333 (repeating). Adding 83 and 1.3333 gives us 84.3333 as the decimal representation of 83 and 1 and a third.
83 1/3 = 83/99
8-3 is another way of writing, 1/83 = 1/512 ---------------or 0.001953125 -----------------------in decimal form
That is the decimal form. 2/25ths is the fraction form. Approximately. 83/1,000ths to be exact.
As a decimal fraction 0.83 is in its simplest form. As a rational fraction it is 83/100.
It is better to leave this number in fraction form, but as a decimal it is about .83
83 one third = 83 x 3 + 1 / (100 x 3) = 250/300 = 5/6
It is: 8.3% = 0.083 as a decimal
83 is a prime number so the fraction cannot be simplified. It can be expressed as a decimal fraction : 83/100 = 0.83
1/3 of 83 is 27 2/3