83/10 is already an improper fraction as the numerator is greater than the denominator. To convert it to a mixed fraction divide the numerator by the denominator to get a whole quotient and a remainder. Write the whole number with the remainder over the denominator: 83/10 → 83 ÷ 10 = 8 r 3 → 83/10 = 8 3/10
83/8 or 67/8
83/1any number like 83, 56, 398432948, 3424323421824943829583495834905; can all be written over 1 because the fraction bar also means "to divide" So if you take any of these numbers above and divide it by 1 you should still get the same number that you started with!!
8 and 3/10 = 83/10
83/10 is already an improper fraction as the numerator is greater than the denominator. To convert it to a mixed fraction divide the numerator by the denominator to get a whole quotient and a remainder. Write the whole number with the remainder over the denominator: 83/10 → 83 ÷ 10 = 8 r 3 → 83/10 = 8 3/10
5 8/15 = 83/15
10.375 as a fraction = 10375/1000 or 83/8 10.375 * 1000/1000 = 10375/1000 or 83/8 in fraction in lowest term
83/8 or 67/8
83/1any number like 83, 56, 398432948, 3424323421824943829583495834905; can all be written over 1 because the fraction bar also means "to divide" So if you take any of these numbers above and divide it by 1 you should still get the same number that you started with!!
8 and 3/10 = 83/10
Any integer (whole number) can be converted to a fraction by placing it over a denominator of 1. So, 83 = 83/1 when expressed as a fraction.
83 is a prime number so the fraction cannot be simplified. It can be expressed as a decimal fraction : 83/100 = 0.83
83/8 = 10 3/8