84 already is written in Hindi-Arabic numerals. If you want it converted to Roman numerals, it's LXXXIV
In Roman numerals, 84 is represented as "LXXXIV." This is because "L" represents 50, "XXX" represents 30, and "IV" represents 4. When these values are added together (50 + 30 + 4), they equal 84.
The date 27-4-84 can be written in Roman numerals as XXVII.IV.LXXXIV and the full date 27-4-1984 can be represented by the numerals XXVII.IV.MCMLXXXIV
LXXXIV is what 84 looks like
The Roman numerals for 3 and 11 are III and XI, respectively, but there is no specific Roman numeral for the year 84. In Roman numerals, 84 would typically be expressed as a combination of LXXX (80) and IV (4), which is LXXXIV. So, you would write 3 11 84 as III XI LXXXIV in Roman numerals.
In Roman numerals, 84 is represented as "LXXXIV." This is because "L" represents 50, "XXX" represents 30, and "IV" represents 4. When these values are added together (50 + 30 + 4), they equal 84.
The date 27-4-84 can be written in Roman numerals as XXVII.IV.LXXXIV and the full date 27-4-1984 can be represented by the numerals XXVII.IV.MCMLXXXIV
LXXXIV is what 84 looks like
The Roman numerals for 3 and 11 are III and XI, respectively, but there is no specific Roman numeral for the year 84. In Roman numerals, 84 would typically be expressed as a combination of LXXX (80) and IV (4), which is LXXXIV. So, you would write 3 11 84 as III XI LXXXIV in Roman numerals.
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals they represent 84
It represents 84 in today's notation of Roman numerals
Presumably you mean in Roman numerals? If so so then in today's modern conversion it is: LXXXIV
numeral means number im guessing you meant roman numeral. 84 in roman numerals is LXXXIV L = 50 X = 10 I = 1 V = 5