To convert a percentage to a decimal divide it by 100: 310 % = 310 ÷ 100 = 3.1
84 percent of 100 is 84.
50 percent of 84 = .50 x 84 = 42
56 percent of 84 is 47.04 56% of 84 = 0.56 x 84 = 47.04
8.4 * * * * * No. 84% is 0.84 Then 10% of 84% is 0.084
0.75 IHTH :)
31% = 0.31
One half (1/2) can be expressed as 0.5 as adecimal and 50% as a percent.
To convert 80% to decimal divide by 100: 80% ÷ 100 = 0.8
To convert a percentage to a decimal divide it by 100: 310 % = 310 ÷ 100 = 3.1
84 percent of 100 is 84.
84=.86x 84 is 86 percent of 97.7
The answer is the 5 percent of 84
50 percent of 84 = .50 x 84 = 42
25 percent of 84 percent = 0.21
56 percent of 84 is 47.04 56% of 84 = 0.56 x 84 = 47.04