A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal for 850 grams is 850 grams. If you want it as a decimal fraction of some other quantity then you need to specify that second quantity.
It is -16.4 and the word is negative, not negetive.
56/10 or 28/5
asa theorem
star strek
It is 293000.
45% = 0.45
1.42% as a decimal = 0.0142= 1.42%/100% = 0.0142
As a fraction, it is 8/100 so, as a decimal it is 0.08
To convert 573% to a decimal divide by 100: 573% ÷ 100 = 5.73
It is -16.4 and the word is negative, not negetive.
Divide by 100. So 30.9% = 0.309
yes, I am Asa
Asa Akira's birth name is Asa Takigami.
Asa Kubiak's birth name is Asa Sokol Kubiak.
Asa Sheldon has written: 'Life of Asa G. Sheldon'