85 (hex) = 133
85/100 and 0.85
85% in decimal form is 0.85, so multiply that with your original number: (0.85)(17) = 14.45
It is 85 - exactly as in the question.
85 percent is equivalent(equal) to .85 in decimal form, and 17/20 in fraction form.
85 percent = 0.85
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 8.5 percent is equal to 0.085.
0.85 is 17/20 in decimal form, and the percentage for 17/20 is 85%.85%
85% = 0.85
85 (hex) = 133
85/100 and 0.85
85% in decimal form is 0.85, so multiply that with your original number: (0.85)(17) = 14.45
It is 85 - exactly as in the question.
17/20 to a decimal and a percent = 0.85; 85%
It is 85%