92 as a percent of 85 means you have to calculate 92/85, which is 1.08 (rounded)
To get a percentage, you move the decimal point two spaces to the right.--> 108%
Since 92 is more than 85 your percentage should be more than 100%.
In case you meant to calculate the other fraction instead: 85/92 = 0.9239 (move the decimal point two places to the right to turn it into a percentage.)
0.9239 = 92.39%, so 85 is 92.34% of 92
(85 percent + 79 percent + 92 percent + 100 percent)/4 = 89 percent
percentage = 108.23%% rate:= 92/85 * 100%= 1.0823 * 100%= 108.23%
At most 16 questions. Percent means "out of 100" → 85% of 108 = 85/100 × 108 = 91 4/5 Which means unless you get 92 you will not get at least 85 % Therefore you can miss out on 108 - 92 = 16 questions at most and still get at least 85 %
72 percent is 78.26% of 92 percent.
85% of $92.00= 85% * 92= 0.85 * 92= $78.20
(85 percent + 79 percent + 92 percent + 100 percent)/4 = 89 percent
percentage = 108.23%% rate:= 92/85 * 100%= 1.0823 * 100%= 108.23%
Add the three together and divide by three.
At most 16 questions. Percent means "out of 100" → 85% of 108 = 85/100 × 108 = 91 4/5 Which means unless you get 92 you will not get at least 85 % Therefore you can miss out on 108 - 92 = 16 questions at most and still get at least 85 %
Any number greater than 84! Eg 85%, 92%, 105%
Most fruits have nearly 80 percent of water depending on the fruit. For example, watermelon has 92 percent of water and oranges have up to 85 percent of water.
72 percent is 78.26% of 92 percent.
5.52 is 92 percent of 6.
75 percent of 92 is .75*92 or 69.