It is: 88% = 0.88 as a decimal and 22/25 as a fraction simplified
Decimal: 0.88 Fraction: 22/25
88 percent = 0.88 in decimal or 88/100 or 22/25 in fraction
To convert 88% to a decimal divide by 100: 88% ÷ 100 = 0.88
88% = 0.88
From percent to decimal, divide the percent by 100. Example: To convert 88% to decimal: 1. Remove the % sign. 2. Divide 88 by 100. thus, 88% = 0.88 in decimal
Decimal: 0.88 Fraction: 22/25
.88, 22/25
88 percent = 0.88 in decimal or 88/100 or 22/25 in fraction
Oh, dude, expressing 88 percent as a decimal fraction is like converting your grandma's old recipes into a new fancy cookbook. You just move the decimal point two places to the left, so 88 percent becomes 0.88 as a decimal. It's as easy as ordering a pizza on a lazy Sunday.
70.4%= 0.704 in decimal= 704/1000 or 88/125 in fraction
To convert 88% to a decimal divide by 100: 88% ÷ 100 = 0.88
88% = 0.88
17.5 as a percent as a decimal fraction is 16/3
88% = 88/100
From percent to decimal, divide the percent by 100. Example: To convert 88% to decimal: 1. Remove the % sign. 2. Divide 88 by 100. thus, 88% = 0.88 in decimal
39 percent = 0.39 in decimal and 39/100 in fraction
0.01%(percent) = 0.0001(decimal) = 1/10000(fraction)