A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. If it does not contain a fractional part then the decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So 89. is actually simply 89, without the decimal point.
It is: 89/100 = 0.89 as a decimal
Do the math!Line up the numbers, one below the other so that the decimal points are aligned. Remember that 89 is equivalent to 89.000. Then carry out the subtraction of 39341 from 89000 as normal. Insert the decimal point in the same column.
89 hundredths = 0.89
89 one hundredths as a decimal = 89.0189 1/100 = 89.01
89/22 = 4.04545 repeating
89 percent as a decimal is 0.89. which is also the same as 89/100.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 89, exactly as in the question.
It is: 89/100 = 0.89 as a decimal
89/315 as a decimal is 0.2'825396' recurring '825396'
It is already in decimal form.
Do the math!Line up the numbers, one below the other so that the decimal points are aligned. Remember that 89 is equivalent to 89.000. Then carry out the subtraction of 39341 from 89000 as normal. Insert the decimal point in the same column.
89% = 0.89
89 hundredths = 0.89
Expressed as a decimal, 89/7 is equal to 12.714285 recurring (that is, 12.714285714285...)
89 one hundredths as a decimal = 89.0189 1/100 = 89.01
89 over 100 (89/100) is 0.89 The way I got that, is I simply divided 89 by 100 (or move the decimal point assumed at 89.0 over to the left two, for the two digits after the 1 in the number 100) giving you 0.89.