Eight Billion, Four Hundred Nine Million, Five Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand, Eight.
008 = 8 = 800%
008 is the same as 8 and as an improper fraction it is 8/1
.8% = .008 = 8/1000 = 1/125
008 = 8 = 800%
008 is the same as 8, and 0.04 is smaller than 8.
.008 = 8/1000 = 1/125
8%0.08 * 100% = 8%
523 x 18 = (523 x 10) + (523 x 8)
8/1000 or .008
008 is the same as 8 and as an improper fraction it is 8/1
8/100 hope this helped.
.8% = .008 = 8/1000 = 1/125