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8(x - 7)

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Q: What is 8 times the difference between x and 7?
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What is the difference between a number times 7 and 8 is equal to 2?

7x - 8 = 2 7x = 10 x = 10/7

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It is the same as the difference between a blue square and a square.

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What is the difference between the sixth multiple of 7 and the ninth multiple of 8?

The sixth multiple of 7 is 7 times 6 which equal to 42. And the ninth multiple of 8 is 9 times 8 which equal 72. so 72-42 equals 30. The answer is 30.

What is the algebraic expression of the difference of 8 times x and 7?

abs(8x - 7)

What is the difference between 7 over 8 and 3 over 4?

(7/8) - (3/4) = 1/8 or 0.125

What is the difference of 7 degrees and minus 8 degrees?

The difference between 7 degrees and -8 degrees is 15 degrees. You calculate the difference by subtracting the smaller value from the larger value.

What is the difference between a pH of 6 and a pH of 8 in H plus concentration terms?

The difference between a pH of 7 and a pH of 8 are as follows:A pH of 7 means the concentration of [H+] is 10-7.A pH of 8 means the concentration of [H+] is 10-8.Therefore, a substance with a pH of 8 has 1/10th the concentration of hydrogen ions that a substance with a pH of 7.

What is the difference between 7 in 1 and 7 and 1 vaccinations for dogs?

7 in 1 is=7 and 7and 1=8

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The difference is 90000000